Hi, I’m Tiffany!
Online Nutrition & Fitness Coach
My name is Tiffany Myers. I'm a stay-at-home mom to two kiddos and I've been happily married to my husband for 4 years. We reside in Sonoma County, CA.
I'm passionate about helping women transform their lives, create simple sustainable habits that will help them reach their bigger goals, and meet them where they're at... whether you are just starting or an athlete.

Do You Say Any of These to Yourself?
If so, I'd love to support you and show you a simple way to reach your goals!
I'm tired of fad diets... I've tried them all!
I'm lacking confidence and want to feel like ME again?
I'm exhausted and lack the energy to get through the day!
I'm struggling to make time to meal prep. I don't even know where to begin!
I'm not able to find time to work out or go to the gym!
I'm doing endless amounts of cardio and not seeing results!
I'm completely stressed out with the daily grind and can't seem to find time to prioritize my health!
I'm always last on the list after caring for everyone else!

How I Can Help You!
Let me build a simple custom plan that fits your lifestyle!
When you're ready to get started we'll do a deep dive into what your day-to-day looks like so that I can create a customized plan to begin the journey of reaching your goals.
I'll develop a morning & evening routine to include small tasks to complete each day that will compound on each other over time so that you begin seeing results and changing your habits.
I will be there to guide and provide support along the way. You will not be alone! You will also be invited to my private community of other women who are on the path to better health as well.